In this app, you are going to get detailed information behind Jesus teachings, based on Parables. As Scriptures says in Matt 13:35 that he uttered things hidden since the creation of the world in parables.
In Mark 4:11-12, Jesus told His disciples that "The secret of the kingdom of God has been given to you. But to those on the outside every thing is said in parables. So that "they may be seeing but never perceiving, ever hearing but never understanding. Otherwise they might turn and be forgiven".
With this brief we can tell that the things hidden since the creation of the world is the secret of Kingdom of God, And that is all we need to learn to turn from our wrong path is to learn these secrets and understand then and be forgiven.
in this application I'm going to explain Jesus parables as I have been revealed to me by the power of Holy Spirit though Jesus Christ our Lord and savior.